Chever-John I’m not against pop culture...... But pop culture holds a disdain for history. Pop culture is all about identity and feeling like you’re participating. It has nothing to do with cooperation, the past or the future—it’s living in the present. I think the same is true of most people who write code for money. They have no idea where [their culture came from]—and the Internet was done so well that most people think of it as a natural resource like the Pacific Ocean, rather than something that was man-made. When was the last time a technology with a scale like that was so error-free? The Web, in comparison, is a joke. The Web was done by amateurs. 来自于 2012 年 7 月 10 号一次对 Dobb 博士的采访。采访稿地址链接。 简要介绍,Dr.dobb 是一个计算机领域的思想家,他曾创办了一个杂志报刊(Dr. Dobb’s journal)1976 年到 2014 年。值得敬佩。
Miigon 认同前半部分,身边有好多类似的例子。学习技术不是被技术本身所吸引,而是着急着能够被认同为“一份子”,甚至于忽略自身的个人特点和短板特长,去抢着搭这一个“潮流”的车,获得心理安全和认同感。当然没有原发的热爱,一切动力都来自“流行文化/社会认同”的话,肯定是走不远而且走得很痛苦的。 GitHub上近几年的国人账号(只评论不发码的那种)和低水平“markdown项目”井喷感觉也是有点追赶潮流的体现,更多动机是在着急“我想要让自己觉得是社区的一部分”而不是“我写了一个很酷的东西,想要分享给社区”。