MIT6.830 Database Systems (Spring 2021)
- 6.033 Computer System Design 计算机系统设计
这门课与MIT 6.814是同一门课程,两者区别在于Final Project在6.814中由Lab5以及Lab6替代。虽然这门课是研究生课程,但是在MIT里,这门课大概1/3的学生是本科生。
MIT6.830 Database Systems 数据库系统课程为麻省理工学院的研究生课程,主要通过来自数据库社区的阅读材料(论文),向学生介绍数据库系统的基础,重点关注基本概念,如实现关系代数和数据模型、schema 范式化、查询优化、事务等。课程不假设学生有任何先前的数据库经验。
与数据库系统的设计有关的话题,包括:数据模型、数据库和 schema 设计、schema 范式化和完整性限制(integrity constraints)、查询处理、查询优化与开销预估、事务、恢复、并行控制、隔离与一致性、分布式/并行/多样数据库、自适应数据库、trigger系统、键值存储、对象-关系映射、流式数据库、服务化数据库。来自原创研究论文的lecture和阅读。
完整的课程结构参考课程Assignment和 Lecture 1 PDF。
节约大家挑选课程的时间,这里将 Lecture 1 中提到的课程核心概念内容摘抄出来:
Data modeling & layout 数据模型 & 布局
- Systematic approach to structuring / representing data
- Important for consistency, sharing, efficiency of access to persistent data
Declarative Querying and Query Processing 声明式请求和请求处理
- High level language for accessing data
- "Data Independence"
- Compiler that finds optimal plan for data access
- Many low-level techniques for efficiently getting at data
Consistency / Transactions + Concurrency Control 一致性 / 事务 + 并行控制
Atomicity -- Complex operations can be thought of as a single atomic operation that either completes or fails; partial state is never exposed
Consistency and Isolation -- Semantics of concurrent operations are well defined --equivalent to a serial execution, respecting invariants over time
Durability -- Completed operations persist after a failure
Makes programming applications MUCH easier, since you don’t have to reason about arbitrary interleavings of concurrent code, and you know that the database will always be in a consistent state
Distributed data processing 分布式数据处理
一点点其他领域的东西 A bit of many fields: systems, algorithms and data structures, languages + language design, more recently AI + learning, distributed systems….
一些最新的论文 This course will look in detail at these areas, as well as a number of papers current in DBMS
research, e.g., streaming, large scale data processing (Spark etc)
Reading Assignment
LEC 1: Introduction to Databases
LEC 2: The Relational Model
LEC 3: Schema Design
LEC 4: Intro to Database Internals
LEC 5: Database Operators and Query Processing
LEC 6: Indexing and Access Methods
LEC 7: Database Layout for Analytic Databases
LEC 8: Join Algorithms
LEC 9: Query Optimization
LEC 10: Query Execution in Main Memory DBMS
LEC 11: Learned Indexing
LEC 12: Transactions And Locking
LEC 13: Optimistic Concurrency Control and Snapshot Isolation
LEC 14: Recovery
LEC 15: Recovery (cont.)
LEC 16: Distributed Databases
LEC 17: Distributed Transactions
LEC 18: Modern Transactions
LEC 19: Eventual Consistency
LEC 20: MapReduce / Hadoop
LEC 21: Cluster Computing
LEC 22: Project/Lab Discussions
LEC 23: Final Project Presentations
这些链接都指向Reading Assignment,关于Lecture本身的信息请查看课程Assignment。
LAB 1: SimpleDB
LAB 2: SimpleDB Operators
LAB 3: Query Optimization
LAB 4: SimpleDB Transactions
LAB 5: B+ Tree Index
LAB 6: Rollback and Recovery
另外,原课程还包含了一个团队的自选主题Final Project、以及可以替代Final Project的Programming Contest组队比赛。以及三个Problem Set练习和Quiz小测,感兴趣以及有时间的话也推荐完成一下。同样的,最全的信息在课程Assignment中。
- “Readings in Database Systems” (The Red Book, 4th ed!)
- “Database Management Systems” (Ramakrishnan and Gehrke)
课程时间表(含有Reading Assignment):
部分课程公网链接(2014):YouTube B站搬运