补充,今天查资料,未发现多少 ADHD 患者用药成瘾的案例,但是却查到了大量自我诊断后,将 ADHD 用药当作「聪明药」,通过不正当渠道购买使用的案例,国内外都有。这些未经专业诊断的盲目用药效果不明,且将自己置于极大的成瘾性风险与其他未知副作用之内,值得引起警示。
而对 ADHD 患者而言,这些案例强调最多的就是严格遵照医嘱用药的情况下,这些药很安全。
Michigan 大学一项研究显示,美国有近 20% 的大学生曾在没有处方的情况下使用过提高成绩的药物。
Performance-Enhancing Drugs at Work
The most abused performance-enhancing drugs include stimulants used in the treatment of ADHD and sleep disorders. These stimulants include:
- Amphetamines(安非他命): The most commonly abused amphetamines include Adderall and Dexedrine. Adderall is widely used to treat ADHD, but it can be dangerous if abused or used outside of a medical setting.
- Methylphenidate(哌醋甲酯): Ritalin and Concerta are the most commonly abused stimulant medications to enhance mental clarity and cognitive performance. Both drugs contain the chemical methylphenidate.
- Modafinil(莫达非尼): This drug is used to treat sleep disorders and is often abused by workers experiencing sleeplessness due to too much work.
Currently, Adderall and Ritalin are the most common drugs abused by workers to improve performance on the job. From 2005 to 2011, emergency room visits caused by prescription stimulant abuse rose by nearly 300% among people under 34. Further, a recent study found that almost 20% of college students have used performing-enhancing drugs without a prescription.
Michigan 大学(哦又是你)一项研究显示,美国部分中学、高中学校有超过 25% 的孩子滥用了 ADHD 治疗用药。
In some US schools, 1 in 4 students report misusing prescription stimulants (这篇文章的标题在国内被翻译为 全美1/4青少年承认滥用兴奋剂 专家警告将造成严重风险,好典型的夸大事实...)
U.S. middle and high schools with the most students taking prescription stimulants to treat ADHD also had, overall, the highest percentage of students who misused prescription stimulants within the past year.
At some schools, 25% or more of kids reported misusing prescription stimulants in the past year—meaning they used the medication without a doctor’s orders or nonmedically, e.g., for recreation or to stay awake.
“Study Drug” Abuse by College Students: What You Need to Know
Some high school and college students who do not have ADHD will take stimulant medications without a prescription because they hope that taking these drugs will increase their focus and ability to concentrate. [2] However, taking stimulant drugs without a diagnosis of ADHD has risks and may not work in the way people think they do.
如果大家都服用聪明药,会怎么样 - BBC